Insurance Solutions: We provide funds protection services to cover amounts lost in a margin
call. A 20% fee is applied, deducting from the margin call sum. The insured funds are
credited to the client’s trading account within one week.
Insurance activation is optional: Clients don't have to activate insurance services. When
trading starts with insurance activated, the client has accepted the bonus and it cannot be
Insurance must comply with the offer terms, including a minimum deposit and/or a minimum
turnover within a specified period.
Insurance services for funds are provided voluntarily at our discretion. We retain the right
to determine, change, or nullify criteria for insurance eligibility. Withdrawal policy for
insured funds will be publicly issued and can be modified or rescinded.
Turnover Requirements: One standard lot unit equals $100,000. Clients must meet turnover
requirements to withdraw bonuses, calculated as Bonus amount * lots per instrument. Only
closed trades qualify.
Conditions and Restrictions
Insurance funds are non-transferable between accounts.
If a client is suspected of wrongdoing or deception, we may cancel the insurance, promotions,
or benefits provided.
In cases of suspected fraud or chargebacks, we may withhold any amount exceeding the original
deposit and may initiate legal proceedings to recover owed payments.
For clarifications, please contact your trading mentor.